FRC team 5584. Est. 2014



Follow Our Progress

Keep updated with the team by following our social media channels. For exciting highlights videos and robot reveals, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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Come and join us at one of our Robo Camp workshops! Held at three locations across the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Register on our website now!

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Our Sponsors

The companies that support our team to run each season and are helping us promote a bright future for STEM in Australia. 

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Technical Design Project

For the technical design project I was thinking on making a few posters, containing our ICRobotics timeline, programming and robot design. We would have "information bubbles" surrounding the timeline explaning how each robot worked and how they evolved over time. As for the programming poster we would have "information bubbles" explaining different features of the program such as 'how the program works', 'how we improved the programs', 'how the program used the features of the robot and its contraptions', 'how the program evolved', and the history of the program. If any of you have any ideas for the poster, share them at the next ICRobotics meeting. Cya Sunday. :)

Yippee Just Won FLL Nationals in Sydney Australia

Yay! Next stop St Louis (USA) for the World Festival between 24 and 27 April 2013.

The story so far ...

  • March 2007: three of us meet under a tree at school and bring materials together to build stuff, the 'inventions club' is born
  • February 2010: couple of members of the group move to different schooling arrangements but we still want to meet up - the 'inventions club' becomes slightly more formal, just a group of us meeting one evening every week, making stuff and minecrafting a lot, hacking remote control toys and building a go-kart, still no robots yet
  • February 2012: no single school connection, we are all at different high schools and/or home schooled, still meeting weekly, go-kart project is in full flight now
  • July 2012: LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 kit is ordered and delivered - LEGO now takes over part of our weekly meets at 'inventions club'
  • September 2012: with a couple of new recruits a team registered with the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) 09-Sep-2012, challenge set arrives a week later and we begin our journey as 'I C Robotics'
  • December 2012: we compete in the Melbourne Regional FLL Tournament on 02-Dec-2012 winning the Technical Design Award and finishing third overall with our 'Companion Cube' Project and Robot 'ARBY 1.0'
  • February 2013: 'I C Robotics' represent Victoria at the Australian National tournamet in Sydney on 24-Feb-2013. With our 'Companion Cube' and 'ARBY 2.0' we manage to win the Champions Award and are invited to represent Australia at the FLL World Festival in St Louis, MO, USA
  • April 2013: 'I C Robotics' are representing Austrlaia at the FLL World Festival - watch this space ...

For further information about the team or to support us on our latest adventure call our coach (Ian on +61404434056).


ICRobotics Project

ICRobotics Project:

The CompanionCube!

An Awesome Companion for elderly people.

> Low maintainance!

> just like a pet!

> Sweet Voice!

> A simple LED Face!

Tell your CompanionCube what to do:

> Phone calls

> Preset Tablet dispenser!

> Radio!

> Gps!

>And more!

Powerpoint SnapShots:




The Team

Our Team.


Who Are We?you might ask........

We are a bunch of friends who happened to find this thing called the First Lego League on the internet so we thought hmm this sounds pretty cool. So we decided to participate in this competition.We got our board set up at home and started building and suggesting ideas. We went through multiple designs and versions of our robot until finally we built our first ARBY series robot! We used this robot at the first competition in Melbourne, thinking that we would fail miserably.However turns out we did ok and got the technical design award, we were all over the moon. A few minutes later they started announcing the winners overall and we thought we had no chance what so ever. But it was a miracle we made it in third place (somehow) and are going to the next competition in Sydney at the end of Feburary!

So that's our story

And were all looking forward to Sydney

And ARBY2.0 is underway!