FRC team 5584. Est. 2014



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CREDIT: these steps are based on the ALPHA TEST notes on the WPILIB SCREEN STEPS LIVE website (see

Initial Setup

(as described in wpilib screen steps live link above)

1: Install VSCODE (available at as well as IC chocolatey USB stick)

2: Install "C++" plugin

3: Install "Java extension pack" plugin

4: Download WPILib vsix file from

5: Import WPILib vsix file

6: Install C++ Toolchains (version 5.5, same version that we used for 2018 season - available via IC chocolatey USB stick :))

Import an existing project

(these notes assume that you have project in the same location that we used for 2018 season, i.e. c:\scm\icrobotics\frc\software\cpp\2018.Luigi\...)

1: Open WPILIB command palette ("w" icon top right)

2: Select "WPILib: Upgrade a WPILib Eclipse Project"

3: Select "Select an eclipse project"

4: Browse to C:\scm\icrobotics\frc\software\cpp\2018.Luigi\ and select "Select a project"

5: Select "Select a new project folder" and enter a new folder name that does not exist yet (e.g. c:\scm\icrobotics\frc\software\cpp\2018.Luigi.VSCode)

6: Tick the "Create new folder" checkbox

7: Leave the project name unchanged as "2018.Luigi"

8: Enter team number (e.g. "5584") then select "Upgrade Project"

9: A popup asks you to open the folder select "Yes (Current Window)"

10: A popup asks "No C++ configurations. Yes to refresh" select "Yes"

11: The text "Executing task: gradlew generateVsCodeConfig" will be reported ... wait for this to complete

12: Eventually "BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 3m 50s" or similar will be reported

Perform Build

1: Open WPILIB command palette ("w" icon top right)

2: Select "WPILib: Build Robot Code"

3: The text "Executing task: gradlew assemble" will be reported (possibly with a shedful of errors)  ... wait for this to complete

4: If errors like "No such file or directory" and "compilation terminated" are reported then try making the following changes to the build.gradle file ...

Replace ...

            sources.cpp {
                source {
                    srcDir 'src/main/cpp'
                exportedHeaders {
                    srcDir 'src/main/include'

With ...

            sources.cpp {
                source {
                    srcDir 'src/main/cpp'
                    include "**/*.cpp"
                exportedHeaders {
                    srcDir 'src/main/cpp'
                    include "**/*.h"

5: Open WPILIB command palette ("w" icon top right)

6: Select "WPILib: Build Robot Code"

7: This time you should see "BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 23s" or similar

8: There should be an executable ready for deployment at c:/scm/icrobotics/frc/software/cpp/2018.Luigi.VSCode/2018.Luigi/build/exe/frcUserProgram/frcUserProgram

Deploy Code to the Robot

1: Open WPILIB command palette ("w" icon top right)

2: Select "WPILib: Deploy Robot Code"

3: If all s well you should see "BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 15s" or similar